Unlocking Career Potential: Internship Growth

June 28, 2024

Join us to gain insights into Kieran's journey as a Customer Experience Intern at EDCi. Discover his passions, the valuable lessons he learned, and his future aspirations. Kieran offers a personal account of his time at EDCi, highlighting his experiences, achievements, and the impactful moments that have shaped his professional path.

What first interested you in the technology field?

I have a solid background in technology within the music industry and am eager to broaden my expertise further. I discovered compelling parallels between my experience and the work being done at EDCi. I have thoroughly enjoyed contributing to the innovative projects at EDCi.

What are your interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy finding new adventures with my wife and two daughters. I also enjoy taking trips Up North, checking out events around Appleton, making music, volunteering within my community, and playing in a tennis doubles league with my dad.

When you were at school, what was your most interesting course and why?

Before my internship at EDCi, I taught band at a local school in Appleton. I received an undergraduate degree in music liberal arts and a master’s degree in music production, technology, and innovation. My desire to dive further into the world of technology ultimately drove me to seek an internship at EDCi.

What has been your experience when working with EDCi so far?

My first impressions of EDCi have been very positive. I appreciate the community culture and strong work ethic that EDCi brings to every engagement and interaction. Getting to know everyone better through regular company events, where I can put faces to names, has been a highlight.I’ve greatly enjoyed working with the EDCi team so far; despite working remotely, the close-knit, people-centric approach of the company makes me feel personally connected. My favorite experience has been meeting up at the warehouse to celebrate the team and strengthen our connections.

What have been the high points of your internship experience thus far?

During my time at EDCi, I’ve had the opportunity to become trained and certified in Genesys Cloud while soaking up the extensive knowledge and expertise of my talented coworkers. Observing their daily work and participating in meetings has been an incredibly enriching experience. A major highlight has been the mentorship from Steve A. and the support and guidance from other team members I’ve engaged with. Their collaborative spirit and willingness to share their insights have illustrated how, by working together, we collectively shape the exceptional EDCi experience.

How would you define EDCi company culture?

I would define the company culture in three words -"caring," "dedicated," and "hard-working.” The EDCi company culture is tight-knit and dedicated to its craft. The desire to contribute to the greater good of internal and external operations leads to high-quality work output while also maintaining a healthy work environment. EDCi cares about people and the connections they've created. Regardless of the timeline, they're invested in you and your growth and how it connects to their growth in educating the next generation of the workforce.

What are your goals for your internship and your career?

My goal for my internship is to continue expanding my knowledge of Genesys Cloud and its related components. Ultimately, I'm excited to see where this next chapter takes me, and I look forward to furthering my skills in Genesys Cloud.

What experience are you gaining as an intern to help cultivate your career path?

The experience I have gained is a mixture of hard skills and soft skills. I have become certified in Genesys Cloud, which has helped me further define my knowledge of different technologies. Additionally, I have enjoyed watching our sales reps, solutions consultants, and continuous improvement team interact with each other and clients, which has shown me theEDCi way of problem-solving.

Do you have any advice for students who may be looking for an internship or career in technology?

I advise anyone looking for an internship to find a company that is invested in you and your growth, not just personal gain. EDCi has done a great job of focusing on the individual's growth regardless of what the nextstep might be. Don’t be afraid of taking chances or the prospect of change and uncertainty.

Learn more about Internships at EDCi:

EDCi takes great pride in nurturing emerging talent through skill development, offering opportunities for career exploration, facilitating networking, fostering professional growth, and embracing innovation and fresh perspectives. If you’re interested in an internship or a shadowing opportunity at EDCi, please visit our Careers page to learn more.

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