Balancing Work and Learning: Reflections on my Internship Experience at EDCi

July 2, 2024

Step into Cody’s world as a Customer Experience Sales Intern at EDCi and uncover his passions, key takeaways, and future goals. Cody shares a personal glimpse into his journey at EDCi, spotlighting his experiences, milestones, and the pivotal moments that have influenced his career.

Give us a little background on who you are outside of work – hobbies, interests, fun facts, etc.

I’m a senior at UW Oshkosh and plan to graduate this December with a degree in marketing. While at UWO, I served as a two-year captain for the wrestling team and now coach youth wrestling clubs in Oshkosh year-round and the UWO college women’s team.  In my free time, I enjoy selling wrestling shoes, watching wrestling, training in MMA, hanging out with my friends, and hunting or fishing.  

What are you currently going to school for? What has been your most interesting course so far, and why? 

My most interesting class so far was probably digital marketing. I enjoyed creating marketing campaigns and tracking/testing their effectiveness, as well as learning online strategies to attract different target audiences.

What has your experience been when working withEDCi so far? First impressions, day-to-day work, favorite memories, etc.

I walked into EDCi on my first day with a completely open mindset since I had never worked in a professional business setting. Right away, I could tell that EDCi is not like many corporations; EDCi is very family-oriented and caring. My favorite work memories from my internship occurred in the office, where we had more face-to-face interactions. I enjoyed connecting with everyone in person. 

What have been the strong/high points of your internship experience so far? 

My experience working with EDCi so far has been very rewarding. Our crew at EDCi has stressed the importance of ensuring I get as much out of this internship as possible. I mentioned wanting to learn sales and marketing techniques and complete tasks in that field. Since then, everyone atEDCi has worked together to help me accomplish this goal.

The high points of my internship include each time I successfully completed a sales and/or marketing task. Not only have I gained experience, but I’ve also helped save team members time to focus on other tasks, which is a win. A few moments that stand out to me are setting up my first lead and meeting, creating a continuous improvement sales handout, and, most importantly, learning more about sales to help my professional career. 

I have learned how to prospect, manage accounts, complete account background research, create a functional email template, and learn a great deal more about marketing and sales overall. I also learned how to communicate effectively and how to manage my time productively.

How would you define EDCi company culture?

EDCi’s company culture is filled with strong leaders who are approachable, innovative, and always continuing to learn. Overall, I would define the company culture as very family oriented. Everyone is always looking out for each other, which allows team members to collaborate and communicate more effectively. EDCi cares for everyone on a personal and professional level. It has been a safe place to work hard, make mistakes, have fun, and build everyone up around us.

What are your goals for your internship AND your career? 

My current goal is to find out what I want to do for the rest of my life. My internship has given me the opportunity to learn more about sales and marketing, in which I see myself having a career. Gaining professional experience from such a fantastic group of people has given me a jumpstart in my career, wherever it may take me. 

As a student intern with limited time, what makes EDCi stand out as a company with which to affiliate? Why EDCi?

The respect I have been treated with makes it extremely easy to want to be affiliated with EDCi. You can ask questions, make mistakes, and learn as a group, which is very rewarding. And when you work with EDCi, you can rely on us to be partners with you for life.

Do you have any advice for students who may be looking for an internship or career in technology?

Soak it all in and take risks. Trying something new never hurts. For students looking for a career or internship in technology, patience is important. Focus on learning as much as you can rather than focusing on what you haven’t learned yet while also staying persistent.

Learn more about Internships at EDCi:

EDCi takes great pride in nurturing emerging talent through skill development, offering opportunities for career exploration, facilitating networking, fostering professional growth, and embracing innovation and fresh perspectives. If you’re interested in an internship or a shadowing opportunity at EDCi, please visit our Careers page to learn more.

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